Working Through The YourPCM Feature Request List

I've really enjoyed spending time with YourAI, my new Artificial Intelligence playground. I've been getting lots of great feedback about it, though now's the time for me to return my focus to YourPCM and get on with worthing through the feature request list ...

One of the things I'll be doing first is a new sorting system. A few people have asked to be able to sort on different fields so I think that where I have the 'contacts per page' drop-down menu, I'm going to add in a 'sort by' drop-down as well as an ascending and descending option to go with it.

A few networking subscribers have mentioned that it would be nice to have a Referral Source field to go with Industry and Location so that would contain the name of another contact in the database. I think both Industry and Location need to be available across all sections as well.

A couple of other little tweaks have been requested. These include making phone number active links in the contact edit box (not sure why that's useful, but not a big deal) as well as active date fields so you can just pick a date when you look at the last and next contact dates.

And I think I want to update the business card scanner to the new ChatGPT Vision option so all my APIs are in one place. Google Vision works well, so this is at the bottom of my list, but it's worth looking at.

And finally, a couple of extra options for the Discovery Cache. Someone said they'd like all businesses within X miles of a specific location so that'll need a little AI in the background to figure out where you are and the number of towns around you.

"So, I'm going to be a busy little coder for the next few weeks, but I do love it!"

Of course, I'm networking, running demos and supporting my existing subscribers on an ongoing basis, so overall things are going well and the YourPCM subscriber base is growing every week.

I really do love being a SaaS entrepreneur.

If anything I've mentioned here resonates with you, do call me on 07490 373980 and let's talk.